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Greetings from the LIMA 23 Team.


We are pleased to invite you to the 16th edition of Langkawi Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition or better known as LIMA 23 which will be held from 23rd to 27 May 2023 at the Mahsuri International Exhibition Centre (MIEC) and Resort World Langkawi (RWL) in the beautiful Island of Langkawi. Please do visit our website at and all social media and digital media platforms.

 Why visit LIMA 23?

1. No where else in the world where there is both Aerospace and Maritime      under one roof. No other show in the world. Meaning you will be able to      attend one show but enjoy the benefits of two shows in both sectors.

2. LIMA is owned by the Government of Malaysia and is organised from          the highest level of the chain from Ministers level. This guarantees that  the level of attendees, and content will be of the most optimum levels  and excellent for business engagements.

3. LIMA covers both Defence and Commercial whereby it is co organised        by both MOD and MOT, giving you the advantage of covering business        prospects from both top sectors.

4. LIMA is also uniquely held in the beautiful Island of Langkawi giving you      the opportunity to enjoy a “bleisure” trip – business and pleasure.

  • Please click on the button to pre-register and purchase your Trade Visitor access asap.
  • After payment success, you will receive the confirmation and your badge. This will safe you the hassle of having to queue to get your badge at the show.
  • Print the badge at the comfort of your office or home, and bring it to the show, experience fast lane a, pick up your badge pouch and lanyard and enter the show. 

For your accommodation requirements, please visit website

Thank you and should you require any further information, please contact:

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